Hello Guys! :D Had to do some editing work for the Touch Board but just thought I would share this here so you guys can save it for i-don't-know-what. :D Sorry! It's 6.24 a.m. Sunday morning and I'm really bored.
HELLO friends of the mighty ocean (:
ms chan sent me a mail asking for some photos (combination of competition ones, team ones etc for, well, i'm guessing year book)
and i need to someone to write a short writeup on the team (she says preferably someone good in GP/KI) ANY VOLUNTEERS pls msg me, then do it and email it to me by wed night. if not i'll have to do it myself..
okay, for the photos, here are some suggestions! pls pick FIVE. ONLY 5. and email me your choices by wed night too ((:
MN OPQ R (ah, what a nice letter to stop at hehe)REMEMBER ONLY 5 PHOTOS to rachel's inbox by wed night yah!!
TOUCHED BY Anonymous
This is a
very friendly but
very important reminder to
Please pay $15 to
by Monday, 18 August 2008
We are finally getting our school jerseys (!!) on Tuesday! Finally! Woohooooooooo! Which is why I really really need to get the Monday from you ASAP. Sorry for the rush hope you understand :) For those who have paid me, thank you I appreciate it,
three cheers for you Chern Ping, Ame, Yijie!Also please stay back after training on Tuesday so you can get your jersey. Those not coming for training (or those in CAMBRIDGE), not to worry, you will get them within the week (or when you get back to Singapore:D). But must pay first k! No money no jersey, hehe.
Speaking of training, EH PEOPLE. WHY AREN'T Y'ALL COMING FOR TRAINING? Isn't training like so fun!! Why don't wanna come!! ):
COME OKAY. These are going to be the last few official,
legal trainings for the year and it's at RI on the ASTROTURF! Don't you love the astroturf, I love the astroturf!!
Come for training! Please? :)
Must ok.
Ok see y'all bye!
TOUCHED BY amelina :)
Yay! Our Polaroid shot that morning! Next time when I get more Polaroid film, more shots okay!
This is a personal photo of Yijie and I. But we aren't the subjects of this photo! LOOK AT AMELINA BTE ABDUL GHANI! :DDD SHE'S TOO CUTE RIGHT!
hey team!
just wanted to say i'm really proud of those who played on saturday and the team in general. for being the funkiest ever. especially those who played sudden death, you guys were just fantastic, down to three v three against and j2 nj team, you guys really did put in a strong fight and for that i'm just so proud of you! sorry no photos because my camera was hiding in my bag on saturday ame and yijie have taken more than enough anyway
i'll be leaving for cambridge on tuesday, which means i'll be missing a solid two weeks of training. with fitness starting, i'm super scared for both you guys and myself[ scared that derel will like murder all of you while i m gone, and scared that when i come back you ll see a ball not oval but A BIG ROUND NEOWEILIBALL:P] but while i'm not there, i hope that you guys will push damn hard for training and never give up. even if the going gets tough because what doesnt kill us only makes us stronger. and i have faith in all of you!
at the end of this we will emerge a stronger, pro-er, fitter team. so jiayou you guys!and till I get back, i'll miss you guys! <3
Goodjob for today team :D
Veryveryveryveryvery proud of all of you! I thought y'all played really well, holding up against NJC J2s :O to sudden death up till 3v3! Welldone guys, am very proud of you :) Eh there's pun in that sentence!! Heheheh okay sorry.
Okay goodnight everyone :)
TOUCHED BY amelina :)